Comet Group
The Comet Group
Making the future better
Information for Investors
Statement of the Chairman and the CEO
More record results for Comet
Plasma Control Technologies review
X-Ray Systems review
X-Ray Modules review
Strategy & Outlook
Enabling digitalization for a sustainable, connected future
“Boost” strategic program
Grow stronger and realize potential
Our strategic initiatives until 2025
Outlook for 2023
75 years in business
Comet through the eyes of fellow travelers
Highlights of our history
From the Iron Curtain to Silicon Valley
The world’s most powerful x-ray tube
Trends & Technologies
Expert view: X-ray 4.0: Analyzing nanostructures in real time
Comet technologies
Synertia® – more than an innovative product
X-ray: an up-and-coming technology in the semiconductor industry
Ready for new challenges with an expanded product portfolio
People & Planet
Expert view: Breaking the Rules, for a better future
Expanding horizons and growing together
Bringing everyone on board for a sustainable future
Financial report
Comet Group consolidated financial statement
Consolidated statement of income
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Statutory auditor’s report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements
Alternative performance measures (APM)
Separate financial statements of Comet Holding AG
Statement of income
Balance sheet
Statement of equity
Notes to the separate financial statements of Comet Holding AG
Board of Directors’ proposal for the appropriation of retained earnings
Report of the statutory auditor on the financial statements
Corporate Governance
Definition and scope
Information Policy
Group structure and ownership
Capital structure
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Compensation stock ownership and loans
Shareholders’ participation rights
Changes of control and takover defenses
Auditors and Communication policy
Compensation Report
Compensation Report
Auditors Report
Sustainability Report
Sustainability at Comet
Statement of the CEO
Purpose & Business Model
Material Topics
The Comet Way
Sustainability Strategy
Governance & Organisation
Climate Roadmap
Targets & Priorities
Achievements 2022
Report in Accordance with GRI Standards
GRI Content Index
75 years in business
Highlights of our history.