Comet Group
The Comet Group
Making the future better
Information for Investors
Statement of the Chairman and the CEO
Comet results exceed expectation
Plasma Control Technologies review
X-Ray Modules review
X-Ray Systems review
ebeam Technologies review
Strategy & Outlook
Comet technologies gain additional relevance
A more high-performing organization through Boost
Our strategic initiatives
Outlook 2021
Expert view: Removing resistance to digitalization
Comet gains more room for growth
Comet to exploit the full potential of data: Mission launched
Expert view: Are you ready for the metaverse?
Comet technologies at the heart of critical manufacturing processes
Comet steps up new product launches
People & Planet
Expert view: Preparing the youth for the future
Comet: Learning together and achieving our full potential
Comet is engaged for the next generation
Financial report
Comet Group consolidated financial statements
Consolidated statement of income
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Statutory auditor’s report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements
Separate financial statements of Comet Holding AG
Statement of income
Balance sheet
Notes to the separate financial statements of Comet Holding AG
Board of Directors’ proposal for the appropriation of retained earnings
Report of the statutory auditor on the financial statements
Corporate Governance
Definition and scope
Group structure and ownership
Capital structure
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Copmensation, stock ownership and loans
Shareholders’ participation rights
Changes of control and takover defenses
Auditors and Communication policy
Compensation Report
Compensation Report
Report of the statutory auditor on the remuneration report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements