Corporate Governance

Corporate governance in 2021

Corporate governance is defined by Comet as the entirety of the principles and practices aimed at safeguarding shareholder interests. While maintaining management’s decision-making capability and efficiency, the aim of good corporate governance is to ensure an appropriate balance of leadership and control, together with transparent reporting.

This corporate governance report describes the management structure and control principles in place at the top organizational levels of the Group. The key elements are defined in Comet’s Articles of Association (also known as its Bylaws) and in its Organizational Regulations (specifying the Company’s governance structure and governance policies). The corporate governance report is based on the requirements of the SIX Swiss Exchange’s Directive on Information Relating to Corporate Governance (DCG). The disclosure requirements of the Ordinance Against Excessive Compensation at Listed Companies (OAEC) are fully met. Comet also takes into account the recommendations of the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance issued by economiesuisse.