Highlights of 2016
Successful bond issue concluded
The COMET Group successfully completes the initial public offering of a fixed income bond with a maturity of five years. As a result of the strong demand, the issue amount is increased from CHF 50 million to CHF 60 million. The proceeds are being used for the expansion of the facility at the headquarters in Flamatt.
New applications

Metrology: YXLON achieves key interim goals
The successful sales of the first systems and the amount of customer interest make it clear that the ability to measure internal features of components based on high-resolution 3D images is in greater demand than ever. That is why YXLON has increased its investment in metrology capabilities. With the new release of two computed tomography systems, FF20 CT and FF35 CT, YXLON offers customers unprecedented feature detectability of 150 nm, made possible by the brand-new 190kV nanofocus tube. Another important step is the development of a test environment to optimally support the move into metrology as a new application.
Food packaging

ebeam presents a world first
The new ebeam curing solution for digital printing allows greater individualization of product packaging in the food sector. The ebeam Inkjet Dryer (EID), a newly developed energy curing system, enables food manufacturers to digitally print their product packaging without harmful photoinitiators and regardless of print run length – safely, with a small environmental footprint, and rapidly.
Building expansion

Construction launched – groundbreaking in Flamatt
On September 13 more than 270 employees and guests from the town and canton celebrate the groundbreaking, marking the official start of construction for the expansion of manufacturing capacity at headquarters in Flamatt. The completion of the work in the middle of 2018 will give the Group space for up to 250 additional employees and the production operations of the growing x-ray and ebeam businesses.
Food safety

Bühler innovation award
The COMET Group is recognized by Bühler at its Networking Days with the Innovation Partnership Award for the ebeam technology, which can be used, for instance, to inactivate food-borne microorganisms and thus improve the quality and shelf life of foods. The two companies forged a strategic partnership in 2015. Using ebeam-based applications, a value-added process for food processing is to be developed that will contribute to a healthy and sustainable food supply for the world's growing population.

PCT impresses with another record year
The growth run of the PCT segment continues in fiscal year 2016: For the
COMET stock price breaks CHF 1,000
With a gain of 44% for the year, at the end of 2016 the stock price of the COMET Group for the first time rises above CHF 1,000.