Performance in 2016
In 2016 the COMET Group achieved the best results
in its history.
To Our Shareholders
“The Strategy 2020 is working: In our best year since the company began, we have grown in all core regions and the established operating segments.”
Growth in the core business
The Group substantially boosted its sales, growing in its established segments.
Plasma Control Technologies
With continued year-over-year growth in sales, Plasma Control Technologies had another record year.
IXM Industrial X-Ray Modules
The x-ray sources and portable x-ray modules business, operating as the Industrial X-Ray Modules segment since January 2016, benefited from the forward strategy pursued and a slight improvement in business confidence.
EBT ebeam Technologies
In its first year as a separate operating segment, ebeam Technologies focused on the integration of its US subsidiary and the expansion of capacity for Tetra Pak.