Strategic milestones reached
The COMET Group is on a successful trajectory with its growth strategy 2020. In 2016 the Group made advances in key projects under its four strategic initiatives and reached important milestones for future growth.
New applications
Milestones reached in microbial inactivation and in metrology
The growth engine of the COMET Group is firing on all cylinders. Existing potentialities are becoming a reality and new ones are emerging. The Strategy 2020 blueprint of achieving rapid growth through new applications and strong partnerships is showing results. Working in overdrive, the teams from ebeam and Bühler – the partner brought on board in 2015 – developed a solution for the treatment of dry foods. The technology enters field testing in 2017. Another significant strategic initiative of the COMET Group is the development of the metrology market for its x-ray inspection systems. With the increasing miniaturization and complexity of components in manufacturing, the measuring (metrology) of internal structures based on high-resolution 3D images right in the production line will become ever more important. The first sales booked confirm that the X-Ray Systems segment (IXS) is on the right course. In addition, IXS launched a partner- ship with Hexagon in a significant market segment.
Market expansion and penetration
New markets in Asia
In 2016 the COMET Group continued its expansion into markets not previously targeted. Thus, the X-Ray Systems segment considerably expanded its market position in the Japanese electronics market with its inspection systems. Through product diversification, it also accomplished the entry into the price-sensitive non-premium market segment in China. Likewise, ebeam Technologies is pursuing regional market expansions. By building a sales team, the ebeam segment created the basis for tapping the Asia market for its system solutions.

Innovative technologies
Digitalization of products and services
Innovative technologies are at the heart of the COMET Group's growth engine. The progressive, systematic digitalization of products and services is an important Group-wide initiative for bringing greater value-added to customers. Thus, in the area of predictive maintenance, COMET is working on attractive solutions. Important milestones were achieved in 2016: In the form of its IoT-capable iVario™ x-ray generator, the developers at Industrial X-Ray Modules are now presenting a new product that supports intelligent x-ray sources for numerous applications. With the new generation of RF generators from Plasma Control Technologies, the use of programmable "building blocks" even enables new, tailor-made functionalities for the customer.

Creation and expansion of partnerships
New and existing partnerships produce results
The COMET Group’s goal is to work with strong partners to expand existing markets, develop new applications and enter new markets. In this regard the Group made important progress in 2016 in all technologies: The rising confidence in the COMET Group as a highly capable innovation partner not only led to intensified collaboration and new projects with suppliers to the semiconductor industry and in the security inspection sector – it also brought the company the Bühler Innovation Partnership Award and gave rise to innovative solutions for new applications, such as the ebeam Inkjet Dryer for digital printing.
An important springboard for starting and expanding further partnerships was also created by the Group’s decision to establish its first technology center in San José, California. Here, customers will be able to become acquainted with solutions from all three core technologies of the COMET Group and co-developments will be driven forward.